It can be difficult for first-time homebuyers to identify the difference between DIY type small repair jobs which you can complete once you take ownership and expensive repair work which needs to be part of a discussion between yourself and the owner. If this sounds like you and you are about to start inspecting properties, below is a great post from Speedy Title and Escrow Services, LLC which can help you to identify which is which.
Identifying Expensive Repair Before Making an Offer JUL

Identifying Expensive Repair Before Making an Offer JUL
Plumbing Problems
Without a doubt, the first item on the list has to be plumbing related problems. However, it isn’t as simple as attributing cost to the service provided. If you think about the plumbing in a house you suddenly realize that you don’t know how much of it looks. Sure, you see the toilet and the faucet, but you don’t see where any of the pipes go once they enter your wall. In addition to the cost of the actual plumbing repairs, accessing your plumbing system can often require removal of part of a wall or structure, and then replacing it once the work has been completed. During every inspection, you have of every property you intend to seriously consider, flush all of the toilets and run every faucet you can find. If you can hear any creaks, banging, can feel vibrations, or there are pressure or stream issues, then it is worth asking your property inspector to follow up during their formal inspection and report.
Not dissimilar to the issues with your plumbing, not only is accessing the foundation of your home problematic, but repairing any damage can be costly due to the actual repair work, and also the range of inspections and permits required. Once you are serious about a property, during your inspections, make the time (and come with clothes prepared) to inspect the foundation of the property, which may require you to do some crawling. If you aren’t comfortable with this, be sure to ask your property inspector to include it in their report. Another way to check for foundation problems is to open and close the doors and windows in the property. When foundation issues occur, the frames of your windows and doors will shift slightly causing issues. Once you have found your dream home, be sure that it also comes with a dream title with a thorough title search and title insurance. To find out how a title search can uncover potential future challenges to the owner of the property, speak with a title insurance expert at Speedy Title and Escrow Services, LLC by calling (586) 739-2233.
Mold Remediation
If you have ever tried to remove mold from your bathroom ceiling then know that it isn’t just troublesome to remove, it’s persistent to keep away. If you can think of this multiplied by 20 then you can see just how problematic a serious mold problem can be. As you inspect properties, get close to the walls and smell for the smell of mold, cleaning chemicals, or fresh paint. While either can be innocent, it can also be a sign that there is mold damage or that the owner has attempted to cover it. Additionally, run your hand and fingers over the walls to feel for any soft areas which could signify mold growth or moisture.
The Roof
Last, but certainly not least, is the roof of a property. While it’s true that a broken tile or two doesn’t cost a lot to repair, it’s often the damage which lies underneath which can become costly. For example, a few cracked tiles during the rain can cause a significant amount of water leakage which can cause its own set of problems in your roof, often undetectable until it becomes serious and again, costly. It’s often not realistic for a buyer to adequately inspect the condition of a roof, and it’s also worth noting that a property inspector isn’t likely to include this level of inspection as part of their regular report. Because of this, if you have any doubts about the condition of the roof before making an offer, be sure to have your property inspector perform the task.
The Best Title Insurance in Clinton Township
Before you sign any papers or make an offer on your dream home, be sure that it is also accompanied by a dream title. A title search is the best way to uncover any potential problems which could affect the continued ownership of your new home. To find out more, speak with a title insurance expert at Speedy Title and Escrow Services, LLC by calling (586) 739-2233.